Signing at the Miami International Book Fair!

Saturday, the 18th, Mer and I drove down to the MDC campus and spent some time wandering through the street fair that's my favorite part of the Miami International Book Fair. I always get a charge seeing all the different booths representing bookstores and small presses (and political organizations and activist groups) -- all the interest in books and authors. I'm not sure if this is true, but I've been told that the Miami book fair sells more books than any other book fair in the nation. It's refreshing to see people get excited about books. To see people lugging heavy book-filled shopping bags through the crowded streets. To see authors -- some authors, at least -- treated like celebrities.

Since I'm one of the 16 authors published in Akashic Books's Miami Noir, I had the privelige of sitting between two of my fellow authors and signing about 50 people's books. The Miami Noir signing wasn't in the same league as the queue for Jonathan Franzen's John Hancock, but it was still quite respectable.

To those 50 0f you, thanks! Hope you enjoy "Silence of the Stone Age."